... because building a better Galashiels is everyone's business
BID for Galashiels is the volunteer-led project working to create a Business Improvement District (BID) for the town of Galashiels. A consultation is ongoing to develop a business plan for the BID. The business plan will, in partnership with key stakeholders, deliver projects and services targeted at improving the town for everyone; traders, residents and visitors.
it's a YES!
The BID for Galashiels ballot resulted in a resounding yes, with a great turn-out that makes the BID truly representative of the town's business community.
Since the result was announced in late November, the BID Steering Group have been working on the next steps for the project.
The first of these is to invite applications to join the BID Company's Board of Directors. Find out more here.
What is it BID for Galashiels wants to do?
Anyone with a connection to Galashiels knows what a great place it is. BID for Galashiels will work to spread the word, positioning the town in people's minds as being at the heart of the Borders; as a great place to do business, to live in and to visit.
Galashiels has so many amazing and unique positive attributes; a proud history, an idyllic setting and a strong community - it's time to build on those to create a more vibrant and flourishing town. A Galashiels that is attractive to inward investment and a place of which we can all be proud.
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